Well Good morning and hello to all you gorgeous Gals. Its Anzac Day and I have watched a bit of the March and thought I had better hop to and finish the application for TAFE and also to update this Blog! I cant even begin to say how chuffed I was with a 400 gram loss. I am trying to think and put a positive spin on everything I do lately from the weight loss to work. I am refusing to get down or upset and so 400 grams made me very happy as it is a DOWNWARD trend and not staying the same! This morning I got up, donned the sneakers and walked for an hour Uptown and then The Fed walk. I was bloody near collapse when I got back here but felt better for doing it! I also then made a batch of my special Pasta and I will have that for lunch and also lunch tomorrow. Good Job Trace! Good Job! I was also pleased I can see that I can indulge in a bottle of the Boys Dolcetta ( Oh Kiwi - isn't it just DEVINE - One of the few wines where you feel all mellow and relaxy when you drink it....sighhhhhhhh)Anyway - I totally lost my train of thought then - see what The Boys do to me?????????? GoldfieldsGal!!!!! Get cracking on that Blog matey! I love reading everyone's Blogs! Next week I wont be working so I will be able to get to them all and have a shooftie and leave a few messages! Don't know about this working thing - stops me from doing what I want to do!!!!!
Well I must go and finish all this stuff - also see if I can talk MinerBoy into a bit of an afternoon romp - yes indeed I think that may be in order!
Love to all as per usual
Hey Vino Bud
Tomorrow I shall hunt down some of that new B Bros vino. Must have some ...........
Been a very quiet day for me, I've hurt my blasted foot, been hobbling around. Hope it will get better soon so I can do some exercise!!!!
Bud will you be on MSN on Sat night. Hopefully we can have another chat. I wonder if Miss B will join in with us?
ohhhhhhhhh enjoy the arvo romp...but heyyyyyyyyy bonus points girl....lol
Love the downward trend, keep up the great effort...
Looking forward to catching up on msn sometime, don't know if I have your hotmail addy right thou...
Jen xx
Hey Hunni!!
LMAO about the arvo romp comment...
You go girl!!
You are doing sooo well, and I'm jealous - I'm now in my 2nd week of staying the same :(
Never mind, self-inflicted you see.
Have a wonderful week off, can't wait to have a nice long chat with my girls.
Take care sweetie,
♥ so much ♥
Hey Trace
Well done on the loss and also the wine hehe
How many glasses would you earn after the afty romp eh!
Luv mE xxx
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