So I am sitting here minding my own beeswax and feelin fine..... managed to have a chat with the VinoBud last night and we are both feeling really confident and motivated. Even more so now that we managed a MSN chatathon. So this morning I DIDN'T get on the scales but decided to measure out of curiosity...wait for it...wait for it...yep I have lost 0.5 cms all over since last Sunday?????? Made me feel fantastic and seriously ready to keep going on Core. Also TTOM has now hit with A VENGEANCE and it is as if my body said " Ok Trace - you had a little rest for two months so baby I AM THERE!!!! But it is all good - at least I now feel like I am back in the game. So still feeling very motivated - I go to the WW boards to have a trawl and a shooftie and I see "shamilton" my first thought was - Hmmmmmm there can be only one. And bugger me dead it was her...she...MY COUSIN!!! So a big HowdyDo Suze and welcome to the WW journey! Do you still have my email address? And do you have MSN? I will go have a look to see if you have posted yours and send you a email. She is also looking for a walking buddy and Janet answered - Yes yes I have instructed her to not tell weird stories about me. Janet - your job as MY buddy is to ignore her totally as you walk.
So what a morning huh thrill seekers????? Its not even 10.00am and already the day is even brighter than it was when I woke up!!!
I feel I need to sigh with contentment!!! The total topper for this entire first week since starting the FFBC is that the 2 weeks with the Govt job turns into a full time one!!!! That would be something close to awesome!
Much luv and hugs hunnies
Hey Vino Bud
Very very nice, indeedy yes, to see you happy.
Losing cm's good, big tick. This is it baby, we are on our way.
wooooooohooooooooooo very nice to hear you are losing the cm's, way to go...hope the demon scales say kind things when you weigh in ...
Go girl...
Jen xx
Hi Trace, thanks for leaving a message on my blog, much appreciated. Your blog is very entertaining. I have it bookmarked so I can come back. Congrats on your weightloss so far and the loss of cm's...great job!!
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